Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Choir
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
He Was My Baby, Who Is That Young Man?
It was at the Senior Soccer Recognition Night where this epiphany hit me. I felt the tears well up and forced them back. I looked at that amazing young man and for the life of me, I couldn't remember the sweet little baby face that once looked up at me thinking I was his whole world.
I miss the cuddles and muddy feet. I miss the little one that I held in my arms. I have to, in a way, mourn the loss of that child, as each year passes. I will never hold that newborn, toddler, or child ever again. Sure, bit's and pieces of each of those years exist in him now, but he is in almost every aspect a different person.
Now, he towers over me and as he is looking down at me, his eyes say that he can't wait to experience the whole world for himself. Sure there is a bit of apprehension at the big new world he will be a part of and surely conquer. But he is almost ready.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Adventures of Charles "Sawyer" and Jonathon "Finn"
My Grandpa grew up in Missouri. He talks about it often and I have a feeling, he would be there right now if he could. I love to hear the stories he tells about his childhood. I think he must have given his mother fits! But then, maybe that's where my daughter gets her impishness. Grandpa has had his share of experiences and will tell anyone about them, if they just take time to listen.
I was talking with my grandpa at work, telling him about the white water rafting trip my daughter had gone on (post to follow). Joking with him that my son was VERY upset that he didn't get to go on a river trip. I think this is what started the ball rolling. There are many rivers in Missouri and one of my fellow co-workers had recently gone on a river trip in Missouri too. He had brought in pictures of his trip, maps, and pamphlets to share with us.
Grandpa got on the computer and did a little searching and turned to me and said, "Do you think Jonathon would like to take a canoe trip down the river with me?" I thought to myself, "What a silly question because it's all he has been talking about since Emma got back from hers!" But I only said, "Absolutely! He would LOVE that!" I called Jon at home and asked him what he thought and he basically asked if he could pack right then and there! Grandpa made plans and The two of them took off on a Friday morning.
Now here the details get a little fuzzy because I did not go on this trip but here are a few tidbits I got from them. First, My grandpa is almost 83 years old! My son is 17. So this little band is a bit odd looking and very generational-ly challenged. But for some reason, they get along, and often, (had it not been for their obvious age difference) act like two brothers off on an adventure.
I am not sure where they stayed. I do know it was very much like a cabin and here is a photo.

Saturday, June 13, 2009
A Little Fun Always Leads to Sunburn
Most lines were good and any that were long, went quickly. All but ONE! There is a new ride called the Pilgrims Plunge. I waited in line for 45 min and left the kids for the Lazy River. They waited at least another hour! Was it worth it? They said YES! (but didn't want to get in line again until later when the line seemed to be much quicker)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My First Prom As a Mother
WELL! It's official, I am OLD! When did my children grow up???It seems like just yesterday Jonathon was bringing me piles of dandelions from the yard because the primary song says"I often go walking in meadows of clover. And I gather arms full of blossoms of blue" so my son made a point to bring me every kind of anything, that looked to him, a beautiful flower. Now he would rather buy flowers for PROM and they aren't for me!!!
Jon decided to ask Casey Schafer to prom. Most people would see this as a small challenge but our situation was slightly different. While Casey lived here in town for many years, she now lives about 3 hours away. So there was a lot of things that could make his asking a HUGE disappointment.
Well, she said yes and I am truly thankful to her brother who drove her here, helping eliminating one of those hurdles. I am sure he had better things to do, I think there may have been a monetary bribe, but he still rose to the occasion and I dub Corban, AMAZING BIG BROTHER!
As you can see, They enjoyed playing with the camera while waiting for their dinner reservations to be ready. They even stopped by the youth church dance to say hi to all their friends. All decked out for prom and everyone else in jeans! The kids all loved seeing them.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mississippi Maddness 2009 (Day 1)

The drive was long and tedious but Jonathon was a HUGE help! We were pleased to see the sign that said we were in Mississippi and stopped at the best Rest Stop/Visitor's Center I have ever been to. It was CLEAN! Not just clean but REALLY CLEAN! They give everyone free soda or coffee! (I will be a regular in the future.) Then we trucked it on down to my parents home. That was only about 1 1/2 more hrs of driving. About 8-9 hours total, one way.

(Side Note) When we got to Madison, MS We stopped at a Wal-Mart. No big deal right? Well this was the prettiest darn Wal-Mart I have ever seen. Even the parking lot was fancy. Come to find out the mayor of this town made a rule that any new buildings had to be built with specific bricks and had to look a certain way or bye-bye business! As a result, Wal-Mart not only changed their design for this town but redesigned many of their new Wal-Mart's to be like this one.

We arrived at my parents house. Hugs and kisses were distributed. (sloppy ones from their sweet dog Maggie)
My kids were Exhausted!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Mississippi Maddness 2009 (Day 2)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Mississippi Maddness 2009 (Day 3)
When that was over we drove down to the beach. We got our toes wet and walked in the sand. Jon and Em flew kites and had a blast!
Later that night, they swam at the hotel.