The Best two days I hold in my heart are the days that my children were born. I cannot recall another time when my heart has been as full. The small little one and the feeling of this great spirit within filled the room. God has blessed me with 2 wonderful little angels. Jonathon (4-17-92) was my first and I never put him down. I think I was worried that someone else besides his mother would drop him! It took My sweet Emma (1-14-94) to help me realize that
holding one constantly is one thing but holding two is almost impossible, No matter how hard I tried. They are so different and so much the same. They love in a big way and often wear their hear on their sleeve. They are joyful and a joy.
Over the years, as I have watched them grow and I am always amazed at their love, strength and testimonies. They have proven that even a not so perfect parent can raise fine

children. I would like to think that they are so amazing because of me but I feel that they are actually amazing, in spite of me.I am forever grateful and blessed to have them in my life. I thank Heavenly Father every day for the chance I have to know and love them both. I am humbled and blessed.
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